Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Notre Dame Football Sucks!

You either love Notre Dame football or you hate it. I hate it. And here's why:

•They have the easiest recruiting job of all colleges. Think of all the Catholic high schools out there with most of their football players dreaming of going to Notre Dame. Simple supply and demand means that Notre Dame is just about the only program where the recruiters never have to leave the campus.

•NBC obligates itself to televise all of Notre Dame's home football games making recruiting even easier. Imagine the thoughts of future NFL stardom going through the minds of the visiting high school players when told they'll be on national TV five or more times each year.

•They're not a member of any football conference meaning there's no revenue sharing with other colleges. They could afford bidets for their locker rooms but refuse to install them because they think their shit don't stink.

•What's with not having names stitched on the back of their jerseys? Their not the NY Yankees. And put a logo or something on those gold helmets.

•I'd like to set fire to that little dweeb of a mascot that runs around in the knee-high socks and green suit and fake red hair and beard. If UT have a real longhorn Notre Dame can get a real leprechaun.