Sunday, June 8, 2008

Why Hillary Lost

Strategy — She believed she was the chosen one from the get-go and would have the nomination in hand by Super Tuesday. There was no backup plan when that didn't happen and very little cash. She also put too much emphasis on big states and almost ignored caucuses.
Gaffes — There was no sniper fire when her helicopter landed in Bosnia. Why did she repeatedly claim there was? And then there was her husband Bill's mouth.
Message — She ran on experience while Obama ran on change. Turns out the Democrats wanted change.
Opponent — She thought she had oratory skills until she came upon Obama.
Pantsuits — Those unfortunate enough to have seen her tree-trunk legs know why she wears them. But she obviously doesn't have a fashion consultant. Just wonder what she wears when she answers the phone at 3 o'clock in the morning?
Character — She has none.


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