Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The central core of conservatism is lower taxes, smaller government and greater emphasis on personal liberty over government edicts.

For those wanting religion emphasized in schools and abortion made illegal, please read the last two.


Ken Grigg said...


Stymie Tapioca said...

In an ideal world abortion would not be needed. This is not an ideal world. The social conservatives who advocate that sex education consist of little more than teaching abstinence are living with their heads in the sand. They sould live in harmony with the Muslims in the 7th century. Sexual desires occur much sooner than our society accepts or even allows marriage. If you are one who believes that abortions should only be allowed in case of rape, incest or to protect the mother's life, let me relate a story.
Such was the case when I was in high school. "Janice" was a good student who suddenly missed some school days. Rumors were rife that she'd had an abortion. Where there's smoke... Her dad was a physician. There's no doubt that within her father's group of colleagues he was able to find one willing to sign his or her name giving approval to the procedure. Circumstances allowed her this, but others didn't have family connections.
Yes, I'd like to see less, or ideally, no abortions. But not through legislation. And certainly not through the intimadation tactics practiced by some.
For a DVD that I suspect you would enjoy (I know I did), watch Juno.

Stymie Tapioca said...

Furthur on this absurd notion of teaching abstinence as the only form of sex education in high school:
In April 2007, a federally funded study of four abstinence-only programs by Mathematica Policy Research found that participants had just as many sexual partners and had sex at the same medium age as nonparticipants.
The Bush administration touts the abstinence-only program and $50 million has been budgeted this year for it. But states must chip in their own money to participate. Texas does. Twenty two states do not accept the funds and Arizona and Iowa have announced their intention to forgo their share. New York and California are not part of the program.
This whole concept is stupid. It's one example of the religious right's influence on the Republican Party and another reason why the GOP has lost its direction. Barry Goldwater died in 1998. That was a major loss to realism in American politics.