Thursday, June 5, 2008

Anaconda Rules

A poker game for when everyone is bored.

Each player is dealt seven cards face down (yes, you can look at them) and there is a betting round. Each active player then passes any three cards to the player on his left. There is another betting round, and then each player discards two cards from his hand and arranges his remaining cards face down in a strategic order. Each player flips his first card over simultaneously, followed by a betting round. This continues for each card until the showdown, with the highest hand winning the pot.
Note that if you are dealt a strong hand (like a full house), you are forced to break it up when you pass three of your seven cards. When choosing the cards to pass, you should anticipate receiving low or midrange replacements. The key is the arrangement of your face-down cards. Since they are revealed one at a time, sort them in an order that will keep your opponents guessing to the end.


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